Week 3 - Tasmanian Tourist Scene

This week I spent a lot of time creating a fairly realistic Unity rendition of the Penguin town centre in Tasmania. This is so that I can finally bring my previous work - the big penguin and human model - together into one tourist scene. In addition to the work I've already done, this week's work required heavy amounts of ProBuilder and Terrain Tools application, to create a scene that resembles the real life location as closely as possible (within the limits of my know-how and time, obviously). I must say having completed the main area of the scene, I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. Take a look at the comparison below:

My Unity Scene:

Real-Life Counterpart (Penguin, Tasmania):

While there are obviously some big differences in terms of layout and scale of some things, I think I was able to create a pretty accurate replication of the location. One of my favourite parts of this process was creating the building (library) off to the side using ProBuilder. It required a lot of detail and comparing to the real building to get right, but I was very happy with the end result. 

Some of the assets used in this project came from the Unity Asset Store. These being:

Really happy with how this turned out overall, and I'm excited to do more with the tools I've learnt creating this, especially ProBuilder.

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